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Joe Stamm Band's 'Dandelion Woman' is a Series - New Video Released!

While I can enjoy just about any type of music, I definitely relish meaningful lyrics more than anything else.

I love a good story… and Joe Stamm has shown time and again that he can tell a good story.

For those who didn’t already know, his acoustic album, Joe Stamm: Stories, proved that and he’s continued to communicate more of his story telling talent since that release.

Joe Stamm’s newest video “Shadows in the Dark” was released this week and I was excited to see it was a sequel to the 2018 “Dandelion Woman” video. Elise (Joe’s wife) took on the role of Dandelion Woman then and nailed it.

Elise reprised the role in Shadows in the Dark, and was joined by some new characters, played by Joe’s dad, Jim Stamm, and band mate Bruce Moser.

There was so much to take in on the first watch, and it had been so long since I had seen Dandelion Woman, it took me a second watch to really understand everything that was happening. The phrase, “since her roots found my boy’s heart” is the one that actually gave me chills and make all the connections.

Before I just spoil the whole story for those who haven’t seen it yet, watch the videos below!

While the “To Be Continued…” leaves us hanging, and I’m hoping it’s not three more years before we get the next installment, I encourage you to enjoy this chapter of the Dandelion Woman saga.

Over the years I’ve loved a few songs that mentioned murder without giving it much thought. But last week we saw Nick Sizemore and Tim Wallis do a few old country murder ballads at Sankoty Lakes and I was surprised to find myself singing them later.

With as much as I enjoyed this follow up to Dandelion Woman, I’m going to have to say this darker side country might be a sub-genre I didn’t know I needed…