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That’s a Bummer, Dude!

Bummer Dude left to right: Maggie Gough, Emily Wymore, April Johnson

Bummer Dude is a three-piece “sorta sad-mostly mad-gettin’glad-ladyled-emopunk band” based in Peoria, comprised of vocalist and guitarist Emily Wymore, bassist April Johnson, and drummer Maggie Gough.

Maggie and Emily are both Bradley students who first connected through a virtual open mic night put on by student-led on campus organization Brave Sounds Entertainment, and Emily met April at a 12-step meeting, and honestly I can’t think of a better place to meet a bandmate to play punk music with.

The name Bummer Dude came from a natural place of it first off just being funny with them being “a bunch of chicks”, and “that’s a bummer, dude” being their catchphrase. Together they decided they wanted to start a band, and ended up going from Maggie and Emily meeting at a Brave Sounds open mic to playing their first show at a Brave Sounds event, Spooky Sounds!

Emily says she writes “songs to vent a lot of the time. A lot of the time it’s depressing and sometimes it’s angry.” and I can’t wait to hear some of it once they release their music.


Emily does want to encourage you, however, “in real life I’m not as sad and angry as I come off on stage, I get aggressive.”

I had a great time chatting with Bummer Dude and would like to give them a huge thank you for giving me their time! In the meantime, make sure to follow Bummer Dude on Instagram @bummerdudetheband and at Bummer Dude The Band on Facebook.

Keep your eyes peeled for a potential show announcement coming soon to catch them in action!