Help PML Make Christmas for Four Area Foster Children
Peoria Music Live is once again inviting you to help your community by buying gifts for children who are in need this Christmas. And anyone who participates will be entered to win your choice of a Brainchild/PML t-shirt or a $20 gift card to Kenny’s Westside Pub!
In 2019 I heard a presentation about The Children’s Home, and just some of the things they do for our community. When they mentioned that they had over 250 children with Christmas Wish lists that need fulfilled, I knew that this was something we could do together. Last time we had four older kids/young teens. This time we have four little ones, all part of the local foster care system.
I spent 16 years as a single mother, struggling with extreme poverty for many of them. Early on, Santa stopped leaving stockings for my kids. He always left each one a new pair of shoes instead. There were a few years where a wish list program kept those shoes from being the only thing under the tree. I am excited to be part of helping other families through rough times like this.
Many small acts of kindness and charity all pulled together can make a big impact for these families.
Our children this year are boys ages 5, 2, and 5 months, and a girl age 3. You can CLICK HERE to get to the Amazon wish list I’ve created that was based on the information sent to me about them. If you find something you’d like to buy one of these children that isn’t on the list, you can add it to the list and then buy it. The information from their wish lists are at the bottom of this post.
Anything ordered from Amazon for this list will be shipped straight to me, to be tagged and delivered to The Children’s Home on DECEMBER 15th.
You can also message me for an address to drop things off directly at my house.
Wish Lists
Noah: 5 mo old boy would like musical baby toys and 12mo size clothes.
Asher: 2yo boy would like toddler books and educational toys (shapes, colors, letters flashcards)
Adelyn: 3yo girl who would like baby dolls, Play Doh, toddler books, and size 3T princess dress up clothes
Anthony: 5yo boy who would like Paw Patrol toys, Nerf guns, and Hot Wheels cars
Deadline for getting things to me is December 14th.
Anything duplicates will be donated to another child who needs a list.