Peoria Music Live

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5 Reasons To Join PML's Green Room

There are a lot of great reasons for you to be part of our exclusive supporter group, The Green Room. If you want to keep reading, we’ve outlined just a few of them below (including a special giveaway for new subscribers starting now, through the end of the year.)

If you’re in a hurry, here’s the long and short of it, you can get a bunch of awesome stuff from PML for only $3 a month by clicking here. You should do it.

The Stories -

As we ramp up our coverage of what’s happening behind the scenes and beyond the shows in live local music, you’ll be seeing more and more information you want to know, connecting you to the artists you love, and you’ll have more opportunities to be a part of what’s going on. A lot of it will become “subscribers only" at some point soon. Supporting PML through The Green Room, gives you access to every story we share!

The Prizes & Surprises -

Every month we hold random drawings for gift cards and merch. The more people we have participating, the more prizes we’ll be giving out. This month our winner chose between a $20 Kenny’s Gift Card and a Brainchild T-Shirt.

We also posted a “Free Merch” code for stickers partway through the month last month.

The Exclusives -

We like to share things in The Green Room Facebook group that we don’t share anywhere else. So far we’ve shared exclusive live videos, a chance to vote on which songs PML requested in the 99.9 WWCT Request-a-thon, news about upcoming projects that we aren’t sharing with anyone else, and we’re sharing some fun behind-the-scenes footage of recent interviews as well!

(So if you want to know what foods I couldn’t pay Jocelyn and Chris Arndt to eat, you’ll find that video in the group as well!)

The People -

You know as well as I do that more people means more fun. Especially when those people also love the Peoria area music scene! Being part of our exclusive FB group is a good

To Support Peoria Music Live -

Peoria Music Live does everything it can to support those who love and support live local music. Because this started out as a hobby that turned into something much bigger, we’ve experts at doing a lot with a little and have some great plans for the future.

In fact, we hope to have some big announcements soon about having offices and our first non-profit program available soon. (So exciting!!!)

To keep everything going, and continue to reach towards our vision, we could use your help. That $3 might not sound like much considering all we do and all we want to do, but we already know when a lot of people help a little, the results can go a long way.

Also, every person who joins between today and January 1st, 2022 will receive a code for a free PML sticker pack and will be entered into a special drawing that will take place on New Year’s Day!