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Michael’s Run for Life Festival

Germantown Hills, IL (March 3, 2022): The Michael P. Brown Colon Cancer Foundation is excited to announce the entertainment for the 2022 Michael's Run for Life Festival! This year, the nation's most renowned, original, and longest touring tribute to the Dave Matthews Band, Trippin Billies, will headline the night with Peoria-based Alison Hanna Band opening the show!

On Saturday, July 23, 2022, the event will be outdoors at 505 Jubilee Ln, Germantown Hills, Illinois. In addition to the bands, there will be a 5K, 1-mile walk, kid's run, children's activities, vendors, food & drink, and more! 

Tickets are on sale NOW! Registering for one of the three runs will gain you free admittance into the concert. Concert tickets are also being sold separately and are only $15 for anyone 12 or older. Discounted tickets will be available at the gate for all children under 12 years old. To register for one of the runs or purchase concert tickets, visit!

About Michael P. Brown Colon Cancer Foundation and Michael’s Run for Life Festival: This event was created by Michael and his wife, Angie. Michael was initially diagnosed with stage 3 Colon Cancer in February 2010. He went through six months of chemotherapy with his wife and infant son by his side. Michael had been in remission for almost 4 years when in December 2013, he was diagnosed with stage 4 Colon Cancer. He underwent additional chemotherapy and extensive surgery to remove the cancer in April of 2014. Michael once again went into remission for almost 2 years when he had another recurrence. Michael had another extensive surgery in April of 2016 to remove more cancer. After an inspirational and incredible fight, Michael passed in January of 2019. Michael had Signet Ring Cell Adenocarcinoma, a rare and aggressive type of cancer that affects less than 1% of all Colon Cancer patients. Because of its rarity, this type of cancer is not researched as much as the more common forms of Colon Cancer. All money raised for the foundation go directly to research and hopefully one day eradicate this type of colon cancer. The fight continues, spearheaded by Angie, sons Jaxson and Karter as well as a group of close friends and relatives.

Find out more about the foundation, and the festival visiting or by following them on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter - @run4michael.

About Trippin Billies: Bringing fans the music of The Dave Matthews Band for close to twenty years, Trippin’ Billies has become the gold standard for tribute bands.  Based out of Chicago, the Billies have toured extensively throughout the U.S. performing at many of the same theaters Dave himself once graced. 

Comprised of some of the best musicians in Chicago, (WXRT) one need not be a diehard DMB fan to enjoy a show. The high-energy performance and caliber of musicianship will have you singing along by the second chorus. But if you are a fan of the Dave Matthews band, don’t walk, run to see this band. Relix magazine has named them top five tributes in the country for good reason, come find out why.