We are only six weeks in at the new building and really that’s only about six weeks into Harmonize Peoria’s existence… so it’s very exciting to share this news.
While there is still a lot to do at the new building to get everything up to where we want it to be (rooms to be painted, a parking lot to be striped, flood damage to be fixed in the lower level practice rooms, more equipment to be acquired, etc.) we aren’t waiting until everything is perfect to get programming started!
The start date for the
Harmonize Peoria Garage Band Open Stage
is Tuesday, May 24th!
This is an all-ages open stage, with a focus on those who are under 21. (Participants under 21 will have priority)
We will provide all of the instruments and gear needed for the show to go on.
Bands who are asked to host the open stage will be paid for their time. Others who wish to support the program are encouraged to join us also!
Our hope is that the host band will play a couple of songs and then make way for others while being willing to sit in with anyone who wants to play with a band backing them up. Eventually, we hope repeat musicians might even be open to build-a-band type situations.
We’ll definitely be on the lookout for those who want to learn to play or want to learn to play better so that we can work on making that happen for them.
Harmonize Peoria has already received several instruments that will be available for those who come to play, including basses, electric guitars, and amps. We also have keyboards and a drum kit on the way soon!
What other instruments might people like to play as part of a band? We’d love to add a banjo, a fiddle, a cajon, any type of percussion instrument, or more to the mix. If you have any instruments that you’d like to donate, let us know!
If an instrument or piece of gear isn’t listed here, that doesn’t mean we won’t be able to give it a good home. For now, we’re focusing on some basics and trying to keep the list under control.
Below is a list of supplies and gear we hope to have before this project gets started. We have a very small budget to work with, so while donations would be fantastic, we may also be able to acquire some of the things we need. So, if you see a good deal somewhere… feel free to let us know about that too!
We have a stool and a regular cymbal stand, but that cymbal is pretty beat up and our hi-hat is broken altogether.
Here is a list of things we currently still need/want:
A movable drum cage (Clear plexiglass that will keep the drums from overpowering the rest of the band.)
A mixer & PA system
Microphones and stands
Cymbals, Hi-Hat (see photo)
Two 6-8ft lighting trusses (for the sides of the stage area - inside or outside the garage)
A few LED stage lights to add to those trusses
Guitar/bass straps, strings, cases (anything you would need if you had a guitar/bass)
Instrument Cases
Contact us at harmonizepeoria@peoriamusiclive.com if you have something to donate or would like to point us in the direction of a good deal you’ve found on any of the above items!
I hope to make a trip to Galesburg soon where there are some large mats available that can be used for both sound dampening, and to protect instruments by putting the mats down on the garage floor.
We’ll continue to share more details as they come together!
If a local business is interested in sponsoring this Garage Band Open stage we’d love to work with you to figure out the best way to make a sponsorship beneficial to everyone involved!