Last week we passed the first anniversary of Peoria Music Live… September 12th!
It’s hard to believe that means a little over a year ago, I knew nothing about live local music or Peoria’s music scene!
I’ve never seen Still Shine perform where it didn’t look like they were having a great time. Here they are at Office on Main during the Pumpkin Festival in Morton last week.
How did I learn so much in the last year? Listening… to musicians, to venue owners, to venue staff, to bookers and managers and promoters… but mostly it was listening to the fans! You told me what you enjoyed and where to go. You told me who you love to listen to… I’m still learning about new events, venues, and artists every week!
I admitted to someone a few weeks ago that if you had asked me before Peoria Music Live existed what kinds of music I liked, Folk and Bluegrass wouldn’t have been on the list. Do you know why? Because I didn’t really know what they were. I only thought I did.
Then I started PML and decided that all genres should be covered and fans told me I had to hear “Chicago Farmer.” I said, “Chicago Farmer sold out the theater both nights in December? Okay, next time they are in town, I’ll see them!” (Imagine my surprise when I walked into Kenny’s Westside Pub for the first Folk’n Tuesday last winter and found out Chicago Farmer was one guy... apparently that happens a lot.)
I also kept hearing about this band called Still Shine. When I saw them they not only blew me away with how talented they all are, but they were always having much fun on stage too! Bluegrass is so much better than I ever imagined before other fans told me who I should see.
It turns out I love a lot of things I never imagined I would.
Folkin’ Tuesday at Kenny’s Westside Pub
I’ve learned a bit about myself by seeing all these bands as well… before Peoria Music Live I usually liked something because I heard it on the radio so many times that I often had no choice. The radio is a great thing, but I’ve learned there is a lot of amazing music out there I will never hear if I only listen to the radio.
I’ve also figured out what makes me love something, isn’t always the same thing that makes a radio station love it! A unique voice, a soulful electric guitar solo, a harmonica, or a great band who is just obviously having fun… all of those are things that will catch my attention right away when listening to something new. But, I’m a writer at heart… and it’s lyrics that will turn an artist or band into a favorite for me.
The lyrics that touched me over this past year, the ones that drew me in and pushed me to see what else the artist had done, were found because fans told me where to look and I listened… to the advice and to the bands.
Most of the music I listen to now is by artists who I had never heard of a year ago! Thank you!
You are a wealth of information! With “Fan of the Week” music lovers from around the area can get to know each other and help each other discover new favorites! Peoria Music Live is also reaching a lot of people who (like me pre-PML) aren’t sure yet where to go or who to listen to when it comes to the local music scene. Help us by telling them about things they do not want to miss!
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(You don’t have to answer ALL of them, but I wanted you to have plenty to choose from!)
I Want To Be Fan of the Week!
If you are chosen for a post, we'll also send you something cool... that could mean a t-shirt, a pint glass, or a gift certificate to a local venue or small business, and definitely a sticker or two. We'll see how it goes. :-) (Gifts chosen at the discretion of PML and subject to availability.)