We are SO EXCITED to get to share these new images with you as well as some visions for merch that we plan to have available to order and receive in time for Christmas!
I had no idea our 2019 sticker would end up sticking around through most of 2021!
If you know anything about local photographers and artists, you might have heard the name Joshua Rhoades. Even if the name doesn’t sound familiar, you’ve definitely seen his work as a follower of Peoria Music Live because we’ve been handing out stickers with his photography on them for about two and half years now.
Between having an abundance of 2019-2020 stickers when we headed into 2021 and the inability to find something I loved as much as that photo, I was dragging my feet about making a new sticker for 2021. I test-ran many different ideas, but nothing was right.
Early this summer I reached out to Joshua again and asked if he would consider doing an updated photo now that Peoria has a lighted bridge. He was pretty busy and completely booked for the next month or so. But he did say he would see what he could do. When he contacted me again in September and sent what that was, I was blown away.
Isn’t this beautiful!?! I’m so honored that he would update the photo and be willing to sell us the rights to use it for Peoria Music Live.
Isn’t this photo of Peoria gorgeous!?! I was so excited when I saw this photo. Joshua Rhoades Photography is amazing!
I played around with different ways I could use this for a few days, but I knew I wouldn’t be able to do it justice. So I sent it to Blue Heron Graphic Design, Elise Stamm, for some help and ideas with the graphics… and she knocked it out of the park as well! Check out these designs!

These are not ready for order yet, but we hope to be announcing how you can order T-shirts, hoodies, and decals VERY soon. Keep an eye out on our blog and our Facebook page. Are you interested in another type of merch? Leave a comment telling us where else you’d like to see this logo!
We’re also working on collaborating with some local bands and artists to create PML Exclusive T-Shirts! Stay tuned for more information on that!
Lastly, if you haven’t signed up yet, now would be a great time to get your name on our mailing list! There are some cool things coming and we want to make sure you don’t miss out on them.