If you read my early blog posts, you'll recall I had to fight a bit of anxiety to start this whole adventure. Yes, Peoria Music Live has been quite the adventure. It's been almost a year and while it's safe to assume I'm no longer afraid to go into a bar alone and I probably won't have a panic attack before I even make it in the gates at Summer Camp next year... I still have my moments.
I posted this on my personal Facebook page a couple of weeks ago and thought I'd share it again here...
It's exciting to see the stickers popping up in different places... especially on cases and cars of musicians I follow! This photo came from Denny Smith of the Great Affairs.
My phone tends to work like a security blanket when I'm in a crowd... If you see me at a show, and my phone is up recording or I'm staring at it, feel free to interrupt and say hi (unless you can tell it's FB Live.)
Sometimes I go to shows and never talk to anyone... Not because I don't want to, but because everyone there thinks I'm working and approaching others in person isn't a strength for me.
ME: Jump off a cliff in Malibu? OK!
Start another new business? YES!
Bare my soul in a blog post? SURE!
ALSO ME: Go talk to those people over there who I interact with online all the time? Umm... I better get more video first. Lol.
Humans are weird and I'm a very humany human.
A clip of “What You Get is Gone,” from their newest album Ten & 2 … Recorded 9/1/18
I'm a shy extrovert. I LOVE being around people, and love what I do! Some moments I can propel myself forward and say hello and others I freeze... sometimes my mind goes blank, often on a name I should definitely know... and other times I get flustered and end up saying something silly.
It happens.
Seriously. I have some stories.
I'm sure you want to know what that has to do with stickers...
Well, I have a lot of these stickers.
I've actually had them since May.
They are almost always on me... but after reading my post above you can imagine why I still have most of the 500 I ordered left.
I don't want to hold onto them! I want you to have them!
So... Who wants a sticker?
You have two options:
One, find me when I am out and ask me if I have any with me.
Looking for another way to support live local music? Next time you go live at a show, you can search the frames to get this musical version of our logo on your video!
If I do, I'll give you one.
While you are at it, remind me your name and tell me something you love/hate/hope to see more of on PML. Or just grab your sticker and run. I'm okay with that too...
Your second option is to order them HERE.
There is a place to enter a message for me there too... So you can still tell me something you love/hate/hope to see more of on Peoria Music Live.
You can also get these frames for your Facebook Profile Picture! Just search for Peoria Music Live when you add a frame to your picture.
I am charging for the stickers online, but it's just enough to cover postage and credit/debit card fees. Plus, trying this is sort of a test-run for using the site to sell our t-shirts when they are ready to be ordered... which is very soon!
Not only are you supporting Peoria Music Live by showing off the sticker... but if you talk to me in person, there's a chance I'll say something ridiculous... especially if you catch me off guard.
Want to hear the story about the time I accidentally told a Harlem Globetrotter I don't like basketball?
Or the first time I tried to tell someone that my phone is a "security blanket" and I called it a "You know... um... baby blankie..."
Really. I blame my most humany human side.