In between posts about fantastic bands and amazing venues, you’ve often seen posts about different community projects. Why? Because what good is a platform like this if I’m not also using it to make a difference in our community beyond the music scene?
Read this post about how to join PML to make Christmas a little brighter for a few area children! AND find out how doing so can get you into a drawing for a Gift Card to Kenn’s Westside Pub!
Peoria Music Live's Fan of the Week: Blind Stein!
Matt at a Kenny’s show last March, watching The Spirit: Tribute to the Wood Brothers
I sat down with local comedian, Blind Stein, at W.E. Sullivan’s over lunch to talk about his love of the live local music scene, building community, and his upcoming show as well!
Read moreSummer Camp On The Road 2019 is Underway!
Crowds waiting to see their favorite bands, new and old both, at Summer Camp 2018
Summer Camp On The Road is a 16-city battle of the bands with the winner in each city earning a spot at Summer Camp that year! It’s already started this year… check it out!
Read morePhotographers and Videographers: Show Us What You've Got!
Roy Ponce of Brainchild. What most people see is the fact that he is flying, but someone pointed out how big his smile is and that’s what I see when I look at this now. That’s the smile of someone doing what they were born to do. At Kenny’s Westside Pub 01/01/2019
Nobody can disagree these days when I say that Peoria has some amazing talent, and I don’t just mean musicians! When considering how I could include some of this other talent while sticking to highlighting music, I had an idea I’d love to try…
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