Peoria Music Live's Fan of the Week: Blind Stein!
Matt at a Kenny’s show last March, watching The Spirit: Tribute to the Wood Brothers
Matt at a Kenny’s show last March, watching The Spirit: Tribute to the Wood Brothers
There is nobody in the area that doesn’t benefit from a well organized and promoted music scene! Listen as Kindall discusses just some of the benefits with Kim Martin of I’ve Decided!
Read moreHow many music venues can one city have? I'll let you know...
The Peoria Music scene wouldn’t be near what it is right now if we didn’t have some fantastic venues… the problem is we still don’t know where all of them are! You can help!
Read moreI look forward to seeing The Stone Cold Cowboys in conjunction with this project at some point. I can't imagine anyone walking away after their show and not being a fan.
"If you ever want someone to go with you to see any of the shows, just let me know. I'd love to go." I was surprised by the number of women who said this to me once I started talking about Peoria Music Live. They often told me they wanted to go before, but not alone. Or they would say it sounds like fun, but they have never gone.
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